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9 Things to Make Your At-Home Surgery Recovery More Comfortable

  • Oct 09, 2024
  • Heritage Home Medical Equipment

After surgery, you might spend some time in the hospital to begin your recovery, but chances are, you’ll complete that recovery at home. Recovering from surgery is often a lengthy and uncomfortable process, but you can make it more comfortable by having the right items on hand. Here are 9 things you should have ready to make your at-home recovery smoother and more comfortable.

1. Wound Care Supplies

Most surgeries involve an incision that requires special care. Make sure you have detailed instructions from your doctor on how to care for the wound, along with all necessary supplies such as gauze pads, bandages, and antiseptics. Stock up on more than you think you’ll need to avoid running out.

2. Filled Prescriptions

Ensure all your prescription medications are filled before you leave the hospital. Often, these can be filled at the hospital itself, but if not, arrange for someone to pick them up from the pharmacy before you head home. Missing a dose of important medication is the last thing you need during recovery.

3. Over-the-Counter Medications

Your doctor might recommend certain over-the-counter medications to assist in your recovery, such as lower-dosage pain medications or fiber supplements to prevent post-surgery constipation. Have these ready at home when you return from the hospital.

4. Hand Sanitizer and Soap

Keep plenty of hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap around the house. You and anyone helping you should never touch your incision site without thoroughly washing and sanitizing hands. Clean hands are crucial in preventing infections, which can complicate recovery.

5. Easy Meals

Prepare and freeze easy-to-reheat meals like lasagnas, casseroles, and soups before your surgery. While it might be extra work beforehand, it will save time and effort during recovery. Even if you think your spouse or family can handle the cooking, having ready-made meals can lighten their load and ensure you have nutritious food without extra hassle.

6. Loose, Comfortable Clothing

Loose-fitting, comfortable clothing is a must during recovery. Tight clothes can irritate surgical wounds and cause discomfort. Invest in several pairs of baggy scrubs or other soft, loose outfits to ensure you have enough comfortable clothing throughout your recovery period.

7. Entertainment

Depending on your surgery, you might be homebound for several weeks. Stock up on entertainment options to keep boredom at bay. Get some new books, rent movies, borrow a gaming system, or pick up some crossword puzzles. Having various entertainment options can help you stay occupied and mentally engaged.

8. Helping Hands

Don’t be afraid to ask for help during your recovery. Request your spouse to take some time off work, ask a family member to stay with you, or enlist friends and neighbors to help with chores, babysitting, or meal preparation. Accepting help allows you to get the rest you need and can significantly ease your recovery process.

9. Mobility Aids

Depending on your surgery, you might need mobility aids like crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair. Ensure you have these items ready and in good condition before your surgery. This can help you move around safely and comfortably while you regain your strength and mobility.

If you need wound care supplies, comfortable clothing, or other medical items to assist in your surgery recovery, contact Heritage Home Medical Equipment. We offer a wide range of products to make your recovery as comfortable and smooth as possible.


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